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TEA21 Feedback

We were positioned all the way to make the 2021 conference amazing. We would love your feedback on how we performed and also suggest ways we can improve on the next conference. Your feedback is important to the entire team. Thank you.

    How did you hear about Tech Expo Africa 2021?
    InstagramTwitterFacebookWhatsAppWord of Mouth

    How would you rate the content of your workshop?
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodSlightly GoodPoor

    Rate your workshop Facilitator?
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodSlightly GoodPoor

    Rate the Volunteers in terms of Courtesy, Helpfulness, and Dedication
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodSlightly GoodPoor

    Rate the overall performance of the volunteers
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodSlightly GoodPoor

    Did you get value for the cost?
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodSlightly GoodPoor

    What aspect of the conference was most interesting?
    CompereWorkshopExhibition and NetworkingWorkshop sessionsSpeaker sessions

    Enter the Answer:


    This is a 2-Day conference. Day 1 is for the workshop where you will be trained and on Day 2, we will be listening to amazing speakers share their wealth of experience on the topic of discourse.