Are you a Tech Writer who would like to have your articles on the Tech Expo Africa blog?

This is a great opportunity for you to share your content with our Readers.
Tech Expo Africa encourages the submission of articles that bear directly on technological solutions, business expositions related to tech, as well as current assessments of traditional tech issues in Africa. Articles that have no basis in tech or contributions to the improvement of tech, particularly in Africa are not appropriate to the mission of Tech Expo Africa.

Our articles would be accessible to an audience across disciplines and promote conversation across fields and practices for the prosperity of tech in Africa. We welcome the use of visual images and auditory and video clips to illustrate the text. The length of articles is normally no greater than 2,000 words but should not exceed 2,500 words, excluding keywords and concept definitions.
Blog posts for submission must be previously unpublished and in English. Articles should be well-written, and we encourage grace as well as clarity. It is important that your article is copy-edited carefully before submission. Articles should be prepared for blind review by deleting any author identification in the uploaded text document, notes, or header.

In order to ensure diversity in subject matter, approaches, and voices, articles by authors who have not been published in Tech Expo Africa for at least a year are normally given precedence. In submitting work to Tech Expo Africa, authors agree to the policies of our blog including free access and use of the material published in it with, of course, proper acknowledgement of authorship and source.
All articles will be blind-refereed except when invited. The decision of the editorial board is final. Because Tech Expo Africa relies on the generosity of copywriters who contribute their time to review articles, we ask that authors not submit their work to other blogs at the same time. By using computer technology, we expect that the review process will move quickly and that authors will be notified in a reasonable time. In sending work to Tech Expo Africa for possible publication, the submitter attests that the work is original and that he or she is the author, that it has not been published, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Once a paper has been accepted for publication it undergoes a careful editorial process that ensures its conformity to house style (capitalization, punctuation, endnote formatting, etc.) and the best practice of good English usage in article writing. Changes are usually minor and kept to a minimum, but proofs will not be sent to the author for approval before publication. Tech Expo Africa reserves the right to make final decisions in all cases that do not affect the content. Articles accepted for publication are copyrighted by Tech Expo Africa under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Submission Guidelines for a Guest Writer
Our submission guidelines have been carefully prepared to facilitate the editorial process of publishing articles online. Strict adherence to formatting guidelines (described below) has three purposes. First, consistent and uniform formatting allows the editors and reviewers to concentrate on the content of articles submitted. Second, it allows for reliable translation of authors’ formatting to the web page. The third consideration is both aesthetic and practical: multiple stylistic formats are ugly and distracting on a web page and interfere with reading. Therefore, please observe the following formatting instructions carefully. Submissions which do not adhere to these instructions will NOT be published.

Formatting Your Article
The article should be prepared according to the following guidelines:
(1) The British English style of writing is the only acceptable form of writing for TEA
(2) The length of articles is normally no greater than 2,000 words but should not exceed 2,500 words, including headings and sub-headings. An article exceeding the length limit will be unpublished.
(3) At the beginning of the article, a list of keywords should immediately precede the text. Do not include the author’s name or any other identifying information.
(4) Please indicate headings and subheadings to make the article easier to read. Section headings and subheadings should be in bold type and numbered. Because TEA uses no page numbers, numbered sections will permit accurate references in citing the article. The subheading titles should be SEO/keywords friendly.
(5) References should conform to the style displayed in the samples below under Citations and References. Where required, Hyperlinks should be well placed within the article, they must be very relevant to the article (keywords wise also) and there should be not more than 15 hyperlinks throughout the article.
(6) Hyperlinks should be the URL of the source. Not google results, Wikipedia or other definition sites’ URLs.
(7) If your submission contains new tech words, concepts or innovative systems, have a ‘New Words’ section at the end of your article and define them all.
(8) Font should be 12-point Cambria, whether in normal, bold, or italic, including ‘New Words’. Please do not insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting.
(9) The paragraph break should be indicated by an extra line space rather than an indentation at the beginning of a paragraph.

Citations and References for Guest Writers
Where required, Hyperlinks should be well placed within the article, they must be very relevant to the article (keywords wise also) and there should be not more than 15 hyperlinks throughout the article.
Hyperlinks should be the URL of the source. Not google URLs.
Plagiarism should be no greater than 10%.
Endnote reference numbers should be placed at the end of the sentence. References in articles submitted to Tech Expo Africa should conform to the formats below;
Where references are required, please follow the APA 7 documentation style. There are several online sources for this showing endnote citation and reference list form.
References and Hyperlinks should only be to relevant information.
Citations from TEA
Citations of articles published in Tech Expo Africa should include author, title, and year. If you wish to be more specific, you can add the paragraph (¶) of the section.
Rights and Permission
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images, sound, and video files. It is preferable to place images directly in the text but, when permission is unobtainable, it is acceptable to include a link to the image directly in the text.
Acceptable File Types
Please submit texts in MS Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (RTF). If submitting from a Macintosh computer, please include the three-letter file extension in the file name of your article. PDF files are not acceptable.
Images should be in .jpg or .tif format.
AppleWorks, Lotus, or other word processor documents must be saved in one of the above formats.
Naming Files
File names should not contain spaces. They may contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_). No other punctuation is allowed. Files must have the three-letter file extension identifying the file type (i.e. .rtf, .wpd, .doc), whether submitted from a Windows or Macintosh computer.
Examples of unacceptable file names:
Aesthetics/Form.doc (uses slash)
Article #2.rtf (uses # sign)
Article.Aesthetics.wpd (uses period or point)
Aesthetics and Art (has no file extension)
Submitting an Article
You can submit your article via this Form.
A notification of acknowledgement will appear once you fill out the form and upload your article. There is no charge for submitting an article for review or publication.
Thank you for contributing to the Tech Expo Africa blog, and the tech community at large. We look forward to having your work published with us. Consider joining our community on Telegram.
Want to have an idea of what our blog posts look like? Read our blog posts here.
Again, here is the Form to submit your articles.